ICT-CELL Service List

1. RUET Website (ruet.ac.bd)

Analysis, Maintenance, Support and Ensure Cyber Security.

2. GSuit Support

Maintenance and support of GSuit mail for teachers, officers & students.

3. Utility Software Development

Utility software like HRMS, Hall Management System etc planning, designing and developement.

4. Software as well as Vendor Management

Manage internal softwares like Jobs Portal, Post Graduate Portal etc which are alredy in developer's hands.

5. Hardware Support

Hardware repair, maintenance and full functional & technical support.

Get the form.

6. Data Management for Administration

Data management for RUET administration regarding UGC using Google Forms, Sheets and Microsoft Excel application.

8. Close Circuit (CC) camera server monitoring and management.

Technical maintenace and operations of CC camera server for RUET administration.

Rajshahi University of
Engineering & Technology (RUET)



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RUET, Rajshahi-6204
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM

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